Monday, October 15, 2007

Umu? Yes, please!

I was down in the DC area this past weekend visiting with my sister and a good friend of mine from college, JM. It was JM's birthday and she decided to host a Polynesian umu party, which consisted of cooking a variety of meats and tubers in an earthen pit in the ground. I have some pictures of the entire process of layering the hot bricks and the food below. As you will easily see, we roasted a pig. Other meats (which you can't see because they are wrapped in aluminum foil) included chicken, blue fish, mackerel and some other kind of fish I can't remember. Mmmmmmmmm.

Unfortunately, my camera died before I could capture the end result, so I apologize. But, for the record, everything came out tasting moist and delicious. I'd totally do it again if given the opportunity.

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