Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Wistful Thinking

People that know me well, or even slightly, also know that I love music and listen to it a lot. It's one of those aspects of my personality that I'm sure comes across very quickly. After all, I was one of those people that carried a stack of cd's and a player around with them at all times in the pre-iPod era. (God, I'm glad those days are behind me.)

When it comes to the music I like, there are some things that stick out right away as themes. However, I would hesitate to say I have a particular type of music that I prefer above all others. For lack of a better explanation, I usually say I like "musically interesting" songs...which is really a vague way of saying, even more vaguely, "I know it when I hear it." I played in a lot of orchestras in my childhood (cello) and I'm pretty sure my ear has been trained through that experience--while I can't always vocalize why something is interesting, I somehow can just hear the same way I was trained to pay attention to and integrate with the workings behind great orchestral arrangements.

I do not, however, have any pretensions about my abilities as a musician. I was at the time and, figuratively speaking, still am the perfect orchestra member: capable, with no soloist inclinations. Which is only to say, I have no idea what makes a good musician tick. I have enough knowledge and experience to appreciate it when I see it, but understanding is beyond me.

But now, there is a new blog on the NY Times, Measure for Measure, that can offer me (and many others like me) the opportunity to get into the head of that fascinating character, the singer/songwriter. Andrew Bird and Roseanne Cash, among others, are purporting to give the reader a behind-the-scenes look at the songwriting process and I have to say I find the project fascinating. I'm not sure if it will get me any closer to understanding, but I recommend you check it out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's nice to know that someone thinks songwriters are fascinating.

I wish someone, somewhere, would ask me to do this kind of thing: I could probably generate several hundred words per song, for about a hundred songs, which would take a couple of years for a weekly column. I wouldn't even charge as much as Roseanne Cash (whose Black Cadillac LP I like a lot).

I have an enduring fondness for (another of the participants:) Suzanne Vega: her first LP ('Cracking', 'Marlene On The Wall', 'Straight Lines') was a sweet chunk of the soundtrack to my childhood or early teens, and I am glad to know that she is still forging ahead.