Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Roo turns 30. It's true.

Robert Frost says: Time and tide wait for no man, but time always stands still for a woman of thirty.

I say: Just because it’s standing still, doesn’t mean it has to be quiet!

Music Starts at 8pm. Bring your earplugs, your liver, and your friends. After all, Frost also said that hell is a half-filled auditorium.

Friday, May 16, 2008

I Know Who Made My Bed: Colour Revolt @ the Mercury Lounge

I went to the Mercury Lounge last night to check out Snowden, which is a band I'd already seen live once before about a year ago (also at the Merc, if memory serves). I really like them--their Anti-Anti album consistently goes through periods of heavy rotation in my library--and have been dying for them to come back 'round to the City so I could see them again. But not dying enough, apparently, to wait through a headcount for the Fire Warden (although, honestly, I think the Merc was just trying to pack more people inside). Eyeroll. I guess that's what I get for hitting up Happy Hour beforehand...and on a school night.

However, despite my lameness in skipping out on the band I actually went to see, I did manage to catch the entire Colour Revolt opening set. And it was awesome.

I will admit that I have a sentimental soft spot for Oxford, Mississippi, so when I found out a couple hours before they went on that they are based out of Oxford I was probably irrationally predisposed to like them. But they happily exceeded my crazy expectations with their driving beat and their guitar-heavy sound. [Incidentally, it was probably a good thing that I could only see the lead singer from my particular vantage point because I generally have little patience for bands with too many guitarists (3 guitars and 1 bass in this particular case)...seeing the set up might have changed my favorable predisposition to a more dismissive one. I know, I know...there is no rhyme or reason.]

Since I only really saw the lead singer (and guitar player), Jesse Coppenbarger, I can only comment on his particular performance by mentioning that I was impressed with the sound he pushed out of his seemingly-slight frame. He has a great sense of phrasing and styling.

On a related note: I was excited enough about the show last night that I downloaded their new full-length album this morning (Plunder, Beg, and Curse) and I will say that, although some are quite good, some songs are a disappointment...especially when I had the live versions of these songs fresh in my head. But this is a young band and judging from the performance last night I have to say I'm really excited to see where they go from here.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Then Again, the Same Old Story: Updates

So, this is where I've been hiding out the past five days. I know that it doesn't quite explain my extended absence from Morland it goes.

In my absence, I also made it up to I-Town for Record Store Day a couple (three?) weeks ago. Because there's really only one independent record store that I hold near and dear to my heart. (Even though they update their website even less frequently than I do...ahem.)

Overall, I have enjoyed my recent ventures from the City. I find New York to be a bit overwhelming at times and it's been good to see trees and mountains and space. I'm already planning my next escape and I'm thinking it might have to be Texas.

I have only seen one show in the past month, which is partly why I've been so quiet, and it was a repeater to boot. I didn't have much to add about Josh Ritter's performance from what I already said last fall so devoting a whole post to the show seemed uncalled for at the time. Suffice it to say, he's still one of my favorites and still puts on one hell of a show. I mean, any man that can get a room full of Williamsburg hipsters to partner up with strangers and waltz around the room mid-set is alright by me. (The picture of the set list for this show was posted by urockrock on Flickr; see more pics here.)

In other news: I quit my job and will soon be joining the ranks of under-paid creative types that hang around the City. I'm hoping the change of pace will allow me more time to check out music around town and that, in turn, will translate into more updates on Morland. Famous last words.

And, finally, clear your schedule the evening of June 7th: in true wannabe-rockstar-fashion I have organized a great line-up of bands to play at a venue in Chinatown to celebrate my 30th. Details forthcoming.